No 4 First Mutual Building, Corner 5th Street and Robert Mugabe, Gweru

Work Hours

Monday to Friday: 8AM - 4PM
Saturday: 9AM - 4.30PM

Gweru Clean Up Campaign

We are calling on all young entrepreneurs to join us for the National Clean up Day on Friday at Gweru City Park. This initiative aligns with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Zimbabwe’s National Development Strategy 1 (2020 – 2025). Recognizing the Constitutional Mandate to uphold environmental fundamental rights and freedoms provided for in the section 73 of the constitution of Zimbabwe the “right to an environment that is not harmful to tier health and well-being.”

By participating you will contribute to the country’s efforts towards a cleaner and more sustainable environment.

To showcase your brand, please provide your branding e.g. logos, banners before Friday.

We look forward to seeing you there!