No 4 First Mutual Building, Corner 5th Street and Robert Mugabe, Gweru

Work Hours

Monday to Friday: 8AM - 4PM
Saturday: 9AM - 4.30PM

Our story

Let's Build Our Nation Together

Young People Development Association of Zimbabwe (YPDAZ) is a registered Association in terms of the Deeds Registries Amendment Act, 2017 and is regulated by the Constitution of Zimbabwe.

The organization was formed with the purpose of identifying, developing and nurturing the excluded population with greater focus on young people.

The association aims to empower the excluded young people to come and get equal opportunities and for all business inventions to prosper through young people inclusion in socio-economic development and employment creation through the abundant transformative energy and potential in our young people and thus ours is a calling to serve youths and we serve with passion and love.

Company Values


To be the leading young people nurturing and development hub for economically active young entrepreneurs, skilled and unskilled Zimbabweans.


To increase young people inclusion in national socio-economic development and policy formulation, enhancing entrepreneurial skills, and access to opportunities through providing a favorable platform and a digital driven creativity and innovation solutions.

Core Values
  • Empower
  • Transparency
  • Integrity
  • Responsibility
  • Honesty
  • Creativity
  • Innovation
Benefits of becoming a YPDAZ member
  • Employment creation.
  • Training.
  • Mentorship.
  • Arbitration with other young people’s governing body.
  • Exhibition of business ideas.
  • Promotion of innovative business start ups.
  • Company registration assistance.
  • Inclusion in devolution and socio-economic development.
  • Participation in national development programs.
  • Incubation hub for creative ideas.
  • Eradication of poverty.
  • Assistance in project and business funding.
Our Objectives
  • To raise global consciousness regarding youth developmental needs and coordinate support for global programs of action for youth development.
  • To develop and administer specialized and targeted appeals that advance youth development.
  • To establish and administer relevant organs, programs, projects or subordinate organizations that enable the acceleration of youth development work.
  • To support the establishment, growth and global positioning of specialized and targeted youth development organizations.
  • To establish platforms to coordinate joint action by special interest groups in youth development.
  • To develop and maintain an all stakeholder approach to addressing issues of common, general, regional and international youth interest and concern.
  • To work for the total eradication of all forms of discrimination based on gender, sex, race, tribe, nationality, and religion, and education, physical or mental ability among the youth.
  • Soliciting, receiving and accepting gifts and bequests of money and other assets donated to the trust for the purposes of advancing and financing its activities.
  • Purchasing movable and immovable property in order to achieve the objectives of Trust as herein provided.
  • Administering, managing and expending the money and properties belonging to the trust and to do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the aforementioned objects or any of them.
  • To employ persons, if deemed necessary by the Trust in full or part time service of the Trust upon such terms and conditions as the trust may think fit.
  • To engage the services of Appellants, Patron(s), special councilors, ambassadors, advisors and consultants.
  • To do all such things as may appear conducive to the attainment of the objects of the Trust.
  • To empower the youth by affording them a platform to formalize and incentivize their different skills and or talent.
  • To offer professional training to beneficiaries in order for them to sharpen their skills.
  • To identify skilled and talented youth who lack funding and support them.
  • To provide funding and opportunities to the youth so as to nurture their skills for their financial gain.
  • To seek for donations from other stakeholders to provide the needed funding.
  • To help the beneficiaries to reach their target market and to advertise their work on various social medial platforms.
  • The beneficiaries of the organization shall be youths in disadvantaged communities. A youth shall be defined as any person aged between 13 (thirteen) years and 40 (forty) years. 
  • Identifying young people excluded from socio-economic development of Zimbabwe.
  • Nurturing and creating responsible young people in various socio-economic development national agendas.
  • Developing, creating a supportive platform and opportunities for young people to fully participate on socio-economic development.



The organization has created a community response guide to drug and substance abuse. The drug pandemic that has affected our country requires us to put up a collaborative effort in our community to put an end to drug and substance abuse among youths. YPDAZ has come up with a community collaborative model that outlines the roles and responsibilities of a community against drug and substance abuse.

This model includes the following:

  • Awareness campaigns.
  • Supporting affected families.
  • Fostering a supportive environment.
  • Collaborating with authorities.
  • Mentorship programs.
  • Community-based initiatives.
  • Advocate for government and NGO support to address drug abuse in the community.

For more information please click on the button below.


This initiative aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Zimbabwe’s National Development Strategy 1 (2020 – 2025). Recognizing the constitutional Mandate to uphold environmental fundamental rights and freedoms provided for in the section 73 of the constitution of Zimbabwe the “right to an environment that is not harmful to tier health and well being.”

Also this initiative encourages young entrepreneurs to participate, thereby creating valuable networking opportunities for them. 

Let's Build Our Nation Together

Join us in shaping our country’s future – it’s in your hands!